Six Problems Our Toolkit Has Solved for Small Business


Six Problems Our Toolkit Has Solved for Small Business

For every small business problem, there is a solution. As long as it is a problem that technology and automation can fix.

Most small businesses feel that fixing their issues using technology would be too expensive.  However, at P2 Automation we have a toolkit that allows us to build exactly the solution that you need, for an affordable cost.

Here are six real life examples from our small business clients:

Problem: “We spend too much time answering customer questions.”

Solution: A secure Web portal allows your customers to view status of an order, schedule an appointment, view a library and more.

Problem: “We make errors because we are manually crunching the numbers to create quotes.”

Solution: A custom program pulls data from separate systems, performs calculations and creates the quote.

Problem: “We don’t know about quality control issues on the shop floor until it is too late.”

Solution: A custom mobile app allows your workers to use their phones to send a photo of a bad part immediately to the quality control system.

Problem: “We bill clients for time spent at their location, but it is too hard to track accurately.”

Solution: A custom mobile app that knows your location lets you hit a button when you arrive and leave the client’s site and records it in your CRM system.

Problem: “Our prospects have to wait too long to receive a quote.”

Solution: A custom app that lets you create quotes on the fly, from your mobile device.

Problem: “We feel overwhelmed because our CRM system is overly complicated for our small business.”

Solution: A custom CRM system built exactly for your needs, for only $29 per user per month, based on solid Microsoft technology.

If you present us with a problem, we feel confident that we can suggest a solution.

Check the online calendar to schedule a strategy session. You have nothing to lose and you might just find the answers you’ve been looking for.

Contact P2 Automation at (860) 426-8029 or