Managed Service Plans

Focus on Your Business. We’ll Handle Your xRM.

Every software solution requires a reasonable amount of ongoing maintenance. The base software changes. The data changes. And your business changes. Just because your customized xRM system is up and running, doesn’t mean our relationship with your company ends. As a new car requires periodic oil changes, your xRM system will invariably need a tune-up as your business expands and new software emerges. P2 Automation remains engaged with you for support, to answer your questions, and to perform system updates to keep this integral part of your company operating smoothly for years to come.


Benefits of Our Managed Service Plans


Fixed Monthly Fee

Fits your budget and expectations


Customized For Your Business

Based on your system’s unique needs


We'll Handle It

No stress. We’ve got you covered!


How-To Videos

For on-the-fly learning and staff training


Productivity Pack

Add-on software that we endorse … and use


Discounted Hourly Rates

Covers new functions or emergencies that arise outside of general maintenance

But wait, there’s more!

Additional Benefits of P2 Automation
Managed Service Plans

Learning Center

Built into your xRM system, and accessible right from your Nav Bar, training modules and quick videos explain how to navigate and optimize your system. Need to know how to add columns, sort data or apply filters? The Learning Center makes it easy and it comes with every Managed Service Plan.

System Utilization

As part of your Managed Service Plan, we regularly track how your system is being used, either by teams or individuals, and offer guidance on how to improve adoption and usage of the tools built into the system. We monitor how your sales and production teams communicate, where the system is being underutilized, and offer suggestions to create efficiencies and operational flow.

Automation Monitor

From time to time, automations such as email notifications or data flows can break. Perhaps a box is left unchecked that will pause an automatic next-step in the workflow. Or someone enters an incorrect date such as 1/1/1900 in the xRM System that jams up the ERP System. With your Managed Service Plan, our teams stay on top of your workflows. We can catch automation breaks and fix them before they become an issue.

Reporting Groups

Companies are made up of teams or reporting groups. Reporting groups are made up of people. Those people may all report to you. Or perhaps they’re part of a focus group working on a special project. Or maybe they all have a similar job function. Inevitably, people move, get hired, get fired, and get promoted, so teams are always in flux. This is one of those features that doesn’t come “out of the box” with Dynamics 365 or Power Apps. It’s something we build and cover with your Managed Service Plan.

What’s Covered with our Managed Service Plans

Basic System Modifications
  • Forms, Fields, Grids, Views
  • Business Process Flows
  • Business Rules
  • Workflows
  • Dashboards

Scheduled Strategy Calls


Scheduled Training Sessions


New User Setup/Removal


Training Videos


Data-Related Services

  • Data Modifications
  • Data Migrations
  • Data Sync Setup / Maintenance

System Issues Module


User Adoption Monitoring


Technical Support


Data Sync Monitoring


Managing Microsoft Updates


Managing 3rd Party Updates


General Maintenance / Wave Updates


3rd Party Add-On Management and Updates

Learn More About P2 Automation’s Managed Service Plans