xRM for Financial Planners

Track Clients, Households, and Portfolios

Financial planners, wealth advisers, and money managers juggle a long list of clients, each of whom has their own financial goals and mix of financial assets. Add to that, regulatory requirements and reporting, as well as forecasting and research, and the daily office life of a financial professional can be harried if their operational systems aren’t up to par. If your office is still working from spreadsheets or manually entering data, P2 Automation can help improve your operational flow, automate data retrieval, and dramatically reduce your manual data entry burden.

Common Challenges for Financial Planners

Solutions for Manufacturing

P2 Automation
Solutions for
Financial Planning

Customized Software Geared to Financial Advisors

Your xRM system will streamline your operations, freeing you to spend more time on sales and customer service.

Milestone Flagging

When your customer approaches milestone birthdays such as 59.5 and 73, certain tasks and requirements need to be addressed. Your xRM system can highlight these key birthdays so that you and your staff are alerted to your client’s impending deadlines.

Family Member Tracking

Helping your client’s children get ready for financial success early should be one of the goals of every financial advisor. Your xRM system can track the kids and help you groom your next generation of clients.

Merge Multiple Sources of Financial Data

Few customers have just one account or source of income. Merging all of those income streams into one dashboard helps you to see the whole picture faster and easier.

Eliminate or Reduce Data Entry

Tied to spreadsheets or other data sources, your xRM system can automate the data collection process, saving you hours if not days of data input.

Customized to Your Process

Most software systems want you to follow pre-defined steps and processes. Instead, your xRM system will be built to support your process needs so that you can work the way you want to work.

Financial Planner Testimonial

“What used to take several days now takes a grand total of about two minutes … Now, instead of dealing with data entry, I can focus on the client and the actual work I get paid to do.”
Jim Thibault, Managing Partner, Barron Financial Group

Learn More About Automating
Your Financial Planning Business!