Eliminate Data Entry with P2xRM So Financial Advisor Can Focus on Customers

Eliminate Data Entry Financial Planning

Eliminate Data Entry with P2xRM So Financial Advisor Can Focus on Customers

When you are good at what you do, more and more clients want your services. When Barron Financial had just a few clients, they could keep up with the data entry. However, as the company grew, the time spent doing data entry into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for each client started to overshadow everything else.

It got to the point where the managing partner was spending fifty to seventy percent of his time on data entry. By automating these processes with a P2xRM software system, he was able to instead focus the majority of his time on his true skill set – analysis, trading and market decisions.

This is their story…

Barron Financial Group specializes in portfolio and asset management and providing financial advice for high income or high net worth individuals and businesses. Since 2006 the company has grown steadily. Founder and Managing Partner, Jim Thibault developed complex Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to track investments, evaluate portfolios and positions, and manage assets.

However, the system required extensive data entry for each client. Soon, they were pushing the limits of the Excel system, and this was limiting the company’s ability to grow. Jim evaluated prepackaged software options, but they didn’t offer the flexibility he wanted. He was referred to Steve Pestillo at P2 Automation and soon they were working together to build a custom software system designed for his small business needs and budget.

Notice the dramatic impact this decision has made:

  • Phased Approach to Success – P2 Automation allowed them to build something that fit their current needs by starting with relatively simple process enhancements. They then could develop and create new functionality later on as it was needed.
  • Eliminated Manual Data Entry – Before P2xRM, every quarter Barron Financial Group had to manually enter data into separate spreadsheets for each client. The program built by P2 Automation allowed them to pull data from various sources to automatically populate spreadsheets. A process that used to take several days now takes a grand total of about two minutes.
  • Expanded Capacity to Grow – Less manual data entry means less room for errors. It also greatly reduces the time needed to generate reports mailed to clients. This efficiency has greatly expanded their capability to grow.
  • Increased Focus on Analysis – Instead of dealing with data entry, Jim reports that he is now able to focus his attention on the client and the things that bring in revenue. The software is not doing all the work for him, but it is freeing up his time to focus on what is truly important.

By working with a custom P2xRM software system from P2 Automation, Barron Financial Group has been able to significantly increase capacity, serve more clients, and process more assets under management. While their former system may have been adequate, Jim credits working with Steve and P2 Automation for taking Barron Financial Group to a whole new level.

Read the full success story: Financial Advisors Automate Data Entry and Increase Capacity with P2xRM

Do you have processes that need to be automated so you can focus on what is important? P2 Automation can help. Contact P2 Automation at (860) 426-8029 or sales@p2automation.com.