Save Money By Using CRMPlus365 Then Move to Dynamics 365 Later


Save Money By Using CRMPlus365 Then Move to Dynamics 365 Later

Very often, you don’t know what you need until you start using a system. If you choose Microsoft Dynamics 365 you will be paying $95 per user per month while you figure that out.

Another option is to get CRMPlus365 at $20 a month plus $10 per user per month. Think of it like a “lite” version of Dynamics 365, built on the exact same platform.

You can figure out how you want to track things, get your business moving forward, and then move up to the full scale system when you are ready.

Or perhaps you just want to build a small quality control system, or a system to track orders. You don’t need the full Dynamics 365 for that now. But maybe you will later.

How can you make the migration from CRMPlus365 to Microsoft Dynamics 365 simple?

Migrations to new system are usually quite expensive. If you feel that your business has the potential to grow in complexity, we recommend that you buy ONE license of Microsoft Dynamics 365 now as an “insurance policy”. We will build your CRMPlus365 system based on that database. But you still pay just $20 a month plus $10 per user. That extra $55 a month is just to keep your options open, and eliminate a potentially large migration expense later.

Plus, Microsoft will give you a few templates for portals, such as customer support portal or a partner portal. Those are pretty elaborate and a nice bonus that can pay for the extra $55 a month easily.

Contact P2 Automation at (860) 426-8029 or