Search Lists Bring Fast Results

Search List

Search Lists Bring Fast Results

As time goes by using P2xRM, more and more data gets stored in the system. That’s a good thing – more data means more information that can help you be more efficient, give better customer service and close more sales. However, when your clients number into the thousands (or even tens or hundreds of thousands) or the vendors you do business with continue to grow in number, then you could resort to scrolling.. and scrolling… and scrolling to find what you’re looking for. There’s a better way – Search Lists. Here’s a few ways to unlock their power:

​Search Box

Every list comes with its namesake: the Search Box. It works just like a Google or Bing search – simply type all or part of a word to quickly search and get results in your list. Now you’re getting warmer!

Dropdowns / Date Ranges

In many Search Lists, you’ll find dropdown boxes that can refine your results further. For example, in the Client List, you can easily limit your search to Prospects so you can hone in on those who you’d like to convert to clients.
Date ranges can narrow the list even more by examining last week’s, yesterday’s, or even today’s activities.

In-Place Editing

While looking at search results, you might notice some out-of-date or incorrect data. You might see a client who doesn’t have a phone number listed, but you just remembered you’ve got their number in your cell phone. With one click below to enable editing, you can then enter or change just about anything – right there, right now, without extra “edit” screens to get in the way of productivity. You can even delete a record simply by clicking the “X” at the end of the row!

Slice and Dice in Grid View

The default view gives you essential information… But what if it’s not what you need? For example, what if you need the billing address instead of the physical address? What if you want to get rid of the Client/Prospect column? Not to worry! In the same line as the Search Box, over to the right, you’ll find the “Grid View” check box. Give it a click – and you’ll see the column headers change to an editable version! A new option has suddenly appeared: “Column Chooser…” Clicking on this enables you to select from a plethora of column options to bring the data you need to front-and-center. From there you can drag-and-drop the columns into the order you need.

Excel Export

Once you’ve sliced-and-diced your data down to size, you might consider using it to send out mailings (mail merge), adding formatting, or pretty much any other purpose. One click on the Excel icon while in Grid View will drop the current search list results into an Excel spreadsheet, already divided into columns and partially formatted!
If you’d like more information about how the P2xRM system can work for your business, Contact Us today at ​(860) 426-8029, or check out our short video: P2xRM Search Lists.